There are two ways we get you the cash you need to keep growing your business:
Purchase Order Financing P.O. financing is perfect when you get a big order but don’t have the resources to fill it. You need the work and don’t want to turn it down, but traditional financing won't work and time is running out. You bring us the purchase orders, and we’ll provide the backing to keep your business moving forward. Factoring Factoring is a way of turning current receivables into immediate cash. We purchase your outstanding receivables, so you don't have to wait for two months to have money you need now, or worry about the collection and administrative hassle. You can fill those orders and grow your business. When you need money and traditional financing won't work, this is your best way to get operating cash without giving up control. If you have a big opportunity to grow your business, don't turn it down - get some operating cash from Prairie Business Credit, and keep your business moving forward. November's Feature What Others Are Saying About Us "We were helping to finance an acquisition for my customer. My customer needed a quick turnaround, so our bank called Prairie Business Credit to provide the working capital. This was critical to the acquisition so the customer could hit the ground running, keeping suppliers paid and raw materials readily available. If we didn't have Prairie Business Credit, my customer would have needed to raise a lot more capital. Prairie Business Credit was very responsive and moved quickly to get the deal done. Our bank has had a long- term relationship with Prairie Business Credit for over 20 years. They are a trusted and known resource to our bank because they are very bright, responsive and they have the ability to move quickly to fund a deal." - Vice President Business Banking
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Purchase Order Financing and Factoring How Does Factoring Work? Calculating the Benefits of Factoring When Should You Consider Factoring? Factoring in Five Simple Steps 13 Week Cash Flow Forecast Businesses Need to Protect Their Cash Flow During the Pandemic The Cash Gap Our Second Client Defrauded Us - How it Changed the Way We Do Business Is Prairie Business Credit Expensive? How Much Do They Charge? Top Ten Reasons to Factor You Need Cash for Growth Who are Good Candidates for Factoring? Our Number One Goal is that Our Clients Leave Us A Bridge to Where? In the Age of the Internet, We Still Do Business Face to Face Credit Checks Cash Management Two Fundamental Principles When Giving Your Customers Payment Terms Team Up with a Factor To Earn Lifelong Business Customers Make No Little Plans Prairie Business Credit Promotes Morgan Prairie Business Credit Promotes Diversey Categories |