1. Big Growth Without Giving Up Equity When you finally get that sale that can take your company to the next level, you don't need to take on a partner. Get the working capital you need by factoring. 2. Better Cash Flow Management Do you find yourself anxiously awaiting at the mailbox because you need that check in the mail? By factoring your receivable, you get cash when you make a sale. Prairie Business Credit will wait for the sale and smooth out your cash flow. 3. Reduce Bad Debt Don't get caught selling to a company without the means to repay you. Prairie Business Credit will help you determine who is credit worthy and who is not. 4. Improve Credit Rating Paying your vendors on time will help you earn a better business credit rating. It will also instill confidence in your vendors, so they will offer you better credit terms. 5. Take Advantage of Supplier Discounts If you paid your vendors faster, would they give you a discount? With the cash available from factoring, you may be able to negotiate better prices from your suppliers. 6. Capture New Sales Opportunities Have you ever walked away from a sale because you thought you didn't have the cash flow to support it? Realize those profits and take on those new sales with improved cash flow through factoring. 7. Slow Turning Receivables Sometimes receivables aren't paid because of clerical errors on your end. Let Prairie manage the receivables process and remove all the hurdles between you and faster paying invoices. 8. Too New for the Bank Many times banks won't lend to newer businesses. That doesn't mean your newer business doesn't need working capital. By factoring your accounts receivable, even startup companies can get the working capital they need from Prairie. 9. High Customer Concentration on Receivables Sometimes that great new opportunity leads to a customer concentration. Many lenders and factors shy away from that situation. Prairie can still get you the working capital you need, even if your sales are concentrated. 10. Cost Savings on Collections and Administration You can leverage Prairie's expertise and efficient processes to focus your workforce on other tasks in your business. Instead of hiring more clerical staff to manage your growing sales, let Prairie take that on for you. June's Features What Others Are Saying About Us "Prairie Business Credit provided the additional capital we needed to fund my growing portable restroom business by purchasing our Account Receivables. Prairie performed their due diligence, and over the 2 years that we worked with Prairie, I found the process to be simple and the cost was fair. The subordination between the bank and Prairie was straightforward. I recommend Prairie because they are fair, honest and easy to work with. You feel like you are working with a traditional bank." - Owner of Portable Restroom Business
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